The Realm of my Imagination
About Me
- Name: Big Daddy
- Location: United States
I am the scottish samurai. Both of my parents are of scottish desent, so I'm a double shot of scotch. But I am also fasinated with the samurai and ninja of Japan. So I have sought to combine both of those interests into parts of who I am. Behold...the scottishsamurai.
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Welcome to Legonier! This is just a fun project that I am working on for...well, as long as I can make it last. It is a currently it is a peaceful town, where little happens...except when the fire-breathing polar bear escaped from his cage and rampaged the city.
But that's why I need you. I need ideas for things that could happen in this sleepy town from day-to-day. It could be a simple trip to the museum, or speech by the mayor. Maybe you think that aliens should invade...the possibilities are endless! But first, let me introduce you to the cast:
Police Chief Harris (Sharply dressed Policeman)
Postman Alex Cook (Green cargo suit)
Mayor Robert Dolittle (Neat Grey suit and hat)
Ike Toski (Skiing person)
Greg Simon (Green snow suit)
Mike Check (boom box carrying guy)
Fred Chicken (Black pants and hair)
Willie Makeit (Policeman with blue pants and black hat)
Betty Dont (Grey dress)
Eddie Breakaway (captured criminal)
Now please feel free to let loose your imagination and I will use the ideas you send. I will update the day-to-day pictures as often as I can, so that you can see you ideas flourish. Below are pictures of what has happened so far:
Day 1:
(See Picture Above). Pretty boring first day in town, nobody did much of anything that day.
Day 2:

Day 3:

The fire-breathing polar bear escaped from the zoo today, due to a poorly constructed cage. The people ran away screaming.
Day 4:

(I will update this post with the day-by-day...well um, day-by-day)
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Christian Rap = Sick (in the good way) or Crap?
I love Christian rap...I think that it is the best form of music out there, though I have never found a type that I didn't like. Why, you may ask? In a word, lyrics. The content of Christian rap is so much more fulfilling than most of the fluff that's out there that I've listened to.
You're probably asking, "Say what?! Christian music...fulfilling?" But hold on, don't knock it till you try it. Below are the lyrics for the song Godhead, by Flame.
Verse 1: God eternally exists/ as being three in His personages/ Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and each person is/ fully God and there is only one God who subsists/ so chew on this/ cause this is meat and I’m certain of this/ His prerogative could have been to conceal Himself/ but we serve a God who has chose to reveal Himself/ to be certain of who we servin’ let’s search the text/ because it’s urgent that we worship Him for who He is/ the topic of the Trinity should evoke some emotion/ for those who are chosen/ and also for those who oppose it/ examine close He’s distinctive in His entities/ that’s why we contend for the Trinity in serenity/ we have no Christianity if God is not triune/ in that case we are were saved by whom/ then creation was made by whom/ then redemption was made by whom/ the consummation will take place by whom
Hook: Pastor Joe speaking/T-R-I-N-I-T-Y/ It’s the trinity/ it’s the trinity/ oh blessed trinity
Verse 2: If we could peer in the past and see a system called dynamic monarchianism/ another system modalistic monarchianism/ before the session we gone focus on one of the isms/ modalistic monarchianism/ get to the core or the center where the belly is/ popularized by a guy named Sabellius/ trying to fight for the position of monotheism/ traditionally held by Jewish in they religion/ and that’s true but he started trippin’ in his position/ and said that God manifested Himself in different/ modes at different times this is real twisted/ that’s why a bishop named Athanasisus had resided/ in a meeting in Nicea in 325/ A.D. where they debated was Jesus God/ and if He was, was He the Father the first time/ Jesus the second/ and Holy Spirit the third time/ while affirmed that the Father is God/ that the Son is God/ and the Holy Spirit is God/ good that ain’t gone solve it/ cause the problem is this/ it’s the simultaneousness/ that he denied
Verse 3: Modalism is back and its now packaged as Oneness Pentecostalism/ and its growing in numbers now like the cost of living/ and when they hear this I’ll be labeled a Pharisee/ but the Assemblies of God already labeled it heresy/ in the 20th century when it first emerged/ and ever since its birth its been hurting the church/ in conclusion a myriad of questions I ask/ cause its confusing and steering away at the masses/ I pose to you question number 1/ you mean to tell me that the Father is the Son/ well who was He praying to in the garden of Gethsemane/ I guess you’ll say He was prayin’ to His deity/ so you sayin’ that His human side/ is prayin’ to His divine side/ that is Father/ In that case then there are two beings/ in the person of Christ is that what you are seeing/ no that’s not the scriptures that’s confusion/ and it takes stabs at the hypostatic union/ and that’s that the one Jesus/ is 100% man and 100% God/ not 100% Father and 100% Son
Now for those of you that know anything about theological terminology...and I only know enough to get by...those are some pretty deep terms he uses. And he rhymes them. Imagine that to a beat, with a flow to match the music? See what I mean?
Friday, September 15, 2006
Fantasy...Good or Bad?
I took the issue to the Bible and found that in Revelation chapter 12, symbolic language it used to describe an event that never took place. But the message was meant to point us to Christ. So if fantasy points it's readers/players to Christ, is it justified.
Also, is it prideful to place our Creator in a world that we have created?
Are representations of Christ, such as Aslan, wrong in the light of the second commandment?
Where does 'magic' fit in to all this? Should it be used at all in such books/games?
These are all questions that I have been dealing with lately, and would like your opinion on. I have not cut fantasy out entirely, as I believe that creativity of that nature is a gift from the Lord. In fact, I am still working on my fantasy trilogy, which has a Christ-driven story line.
So what do you think?
Monday, September 04, 2006
If you find this question difficult, perhaps you believe in the wrong deity. But that's okay, I can help you. Try my faith if you are looking for a more substantial faith. He is real, I have seen his work in progress. And if you want, I can walk you through how to approach him.